My Musician Friends

I write, arrange, and play most of the music parts in my recordings. That’s the fun part for me. However, I also work and associate with some of the most talented musicians & entertainers on the planet. Check out some of them below:

-Paul Shiver


RL BELL — RL Bell is a Singer/Song writer homebased in Houston, TX. The real question to those of us who know him is; “why is he NOT a superstar already?”

We work together, and help with each other’s projects, and, we’re currently helping each other navigate the music business as independent artists.

Check out my friend RL Bell:



Chief Retired Musician, USN, James Pat Daly was my Band Leader (my Boss) when I served as the lead singer/front man in Navy Band Memphis. We quickly developed a mutual friendship, and became the best of friends.

Pat is a world-class musician and Band Leader — Piano/Keyboard player, with exceptional skills on the Hammond Organ.

Tap on this picture (or on the “Play > Button” on the player below it) to listen to Pat Daly’s awesome arrangement of “Light My Fire!”

CLICK HERE >> for much more on Pat Daly!

SHANE HULL-MUNIZ — Shane is my Son in law, and an extremely capable musician. He has a really cool ability of understanding (and playing) the type of guitar style I’m looking for when I produce a song. He is indeed my “go to” guitar player. His is the electric, and lead guitar in pretty much ALL of my music that calls for some good solid electric guitar!

Check out Shane, and his band ‘Submit Thy Will’ here!


KEVIN CARTER — You’ll notice that some of my music contains an extremely attractive and smooth fiddle part. That masterful fiddle sound is contributed by this gentleman — Kevin Carter

Kevin is one of the best fiddle players, and all around musicians that I’ve had the pleasure of working with. Check out Kevin Carter!

Listen to Kevin Carter & Shane Hull-Muniz in my song ‘Gulf Coast Breeze’ (below).

Singer | Songwriter | Producer